There are some things that can only be done by one person. Some customs can only be done by one person. There are ways to walk alone.
东西掉了没关系 ,什么都可以再买 。衣服旧了脏了,也无所谓;花点力气都可以恢复原样的 。就算是错过了回家的末班车也没什么 ,大不了疯逛一晚不回家; 没什么大不了。 而我遗憾的只是因为年少的不懂事和狂妄错过了真正值得去爱的人 ,这些朋友和爱人 ,无论如何 ;才是真的回不去了。
It doesn't matter if things fall, and everything can be bought again. The clothes are old and dirty, and it doesn't matter; it can be restored to the original. Even if it was the last bus that missed home, there was nothing to go home for a night; there was no big deal. I regret that I have missed the really worthy of love because of the ignorance and arrogance of young people.
The funny thing is, we always think love is love, love is wrong is encounter. However, it is easy to make a clear distinction between the wrong and the wrong. The longer the time passes, the less important it is to the wrong. As long as we are willing to stick to it, everything is right.
If you want to eat apple, he can't buy it, so instead of drinking it, you are very moved to think that this is love, but then the other party abandoned you, only to find that he wanted apple. Many people think that they are touched is love, others give you some care about the so-called security, but love is not sympathy, more not inertial dependence. Do not think that love can be easy to force yourself, do not let the wrong person waste the best of you.
有时候,最适合你的人, 恰恰是你最没有想到的人。
Sometimes, the most suitable for you is just the person you don't think about.